My little one turns seven months next week and I can not believe what an easy baby he has been. He smiles all of the time and is rarely fussy. So I do not look forward to the day that he starts teething. Since I am starting to look for ways to have a greener household, I was excited to learn about Baltic amber teething necklaces on the website Teething Tots.
Teething Tots sells Baltic amber necklaces, as well as SmartMom Teething jewelry. SmartMom Teething jewelry is for the mom to wear and is designed for babies to touch and chew. Baltic amber necklaces, however, are made for both adults and children, and can be used with babies to help with teething. Here is a little about how Baltic amber works from their website:
Amber is fossilized sap which contains trace amounts of succinic acid, a known anti-inflammatory and pain reliever. The warmth from the skin releases the active ingredient in the amber. The active ingredient is quickly absorbed into the blood stream, when worn against the skin, soothing a baby naturally while he or she struggles with the pain of cutting brand new teeth. By having your baby wear the necklace everyday, it will help to reduce the common symptoms related to teething such as; redness in the cheeks, swollen gums, diaper rashes and fevers.
The Baltic amber teething necklaces are 11.5 to 12.5 inches long. Although they are meant to wear around the neck, I have also wrapped it twice around his ankle as well. The necklace should not be worn when your little one is napping or left unattended. The necklaces are designed so that there is a knot before and after each bead. This way if the necklace breaks only one bead will come off. Although my little one is not yet teething, I put it on him when he seems to be overly fussy and he does seem calmer. So we will see what happens when his first tooth comes in. I am just happy to have found a green alternative to medicine for teething.
Disclosure: I received a necklace to review. No other compensation was received. All opinions are my own and are my honest opinion of the product.
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