I love the taste of grilled hamburgers, chicken, and steak. Currently we own a portable, indoor George Foreman grill. So from time to time, particularly on Memorial Day we will pull it out and grill some hamburgers and hotdogs with family. But while it is perfect for a small family, for bigger family events it would be nicer to have a larger grill such as the Napoleon portable grill.

Maybe we will have one soon since my future dream home has a patio. I can envision having patio furniture, watching my two boys and their cousins play in the backyard, and grilling for a family get together. We often do not have all of my family over often because our current house is small for entertaining, but our new home will be perfect for this. So maybe next spring we will look for great deals on grills and, of course, BBQ accessories. We will need a propane tank, a grill cover, and the Picnic at Ascot BBQ Chef's Tool Set. This time we will take better care of our grill. Awhile back we did own an outdoor grill, but we did not have a cover and did not always clean it properly, so it did not last that long.

Now just to find some delicious recipes for grilling. I especially would like to learn how to grill corn on the cob. A friend made it for me once and it was delicious. What is one of your favorite things to grill?

Now just to find some delicious recipes for grilling. I especially would like to learn how to grill corn on the cob. A friend made it for me once and it was delicious. What is one of your favorite things to grill?

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