Thursday, December 23, 2010

Merry CHRISTmas!

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As Christmas approaches, finding that last minute gift can stress us out. I know that I just spent five hours today, shopping for my final gifts, and I still have one left to buy tomorrow. I love Christmas time, but too often we get consumed with presents and the materialistic nature of the holiday. I pray that we might remember the reason we celebrate-that God has given us the greatest gift of all, His Son. Before He sent his son, we were separated from God because of our sin. Think about your children, how you would do anything for them to keep them from getting hurt. Yet God sacrificed His Son to save us, although we do not deserve such a gift. It is God's Amazing Grace! But when we surrender our life to God, we become His Children. God's gift should be celebrated not just one day of the year, but everyday. I wish you a Merry Christmas and may you reflect on God's awesome gift to us, a Savior!


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